Case Study

Interview with Mrs. Delphine Droze, Chief Operating Officer, Euptech

What does your company do?

Our company specializes in electrical engineering and we work extensively internationally.

What was your need?

Our development required a flexible factoring solution adapted to our needs. This was first and foremost our structure in Switzerland, for which we wanted to find a financing solution quickly.

What was Winsch's proposal?

After analysing and understanding our specificities, Winsch managed to set up a "multi-enterprise" factoring contract for us (i. e. in France and Switzerland) while negotiating optimal conditions.

Why did you trust Winsch for your factoring needs?

Our contacts at Winsch have the qualities we were looking for for this mission: professionalism, responsiveness and efficiency. In addition, they are always listening to us and have constantly defended our interests versus banking partners.

Interview with Mr Cyril Meyer, Senior Trader - Ecotrading SA à Genève

What does your company do?

We are commodity traders, located in Geneva and mainly specialized in sugar and rice trading.

How do you know Winsch?

Winsch's credit insurance team is made up of former credit insurers and we have known them since that time. When Winsch had been created, we have continued to work with them and we have never imagined to change the partner.

Why do you rely so much on Winsch for your credit insurance needs?

They specialize in credit insurance and it's immediately noticeable because they know all the ins and outs of credit insurance. They easily understand our expectations, anticipate the reactions of insurers and follow our contracts. In addition, the team is very stable which allows us to maintain a privileged relationship over the long term. It's very rare these days.

How would you recommend Winsch?

We have already recommended them without hesitation for their reactivity and expertise. Winsch has always defended our interests well, while maintaining a very good relationship with the insurers.

Stéphane Chavy
Interview with Mr Stéphane Chavy, Director at Winsch International SA

You have strengthened your offer through a new advisory product dedicated to financial institutions. Can you tell us more about it?

Over time, we have noticed that financial institutions, such as banks, factoring companies or other players active in factoring, have more significant needs for expertise in the areas of credit insurance and factoring.

Can you give us some examples of your consulting work?

In the banking sector, we audit credit insurance policies which are used by the banks as a guarantee for financing purposes. We make sure that their risk is actually covered in the event of a claim. To take another example, we advise companies active in factoring on the best risk management practices with relation to their factoring portfolio. We also help them to increase their credit insurance limits.

What is the advice you would give to financial institutions using credit insurance as a guarantee?

The credit insurance market has changed a lot and insurers can show very restrictive when it comes to indemnifying a claim. It is essential for a financial institution to make sure that the used guarantee (credit insurance) actually reduces its risks. The same rule applies to financial institutions which insure themselves in the frame of their financing activities.

And your advice to companies looking to become active in the factoring business?

The climate of negative interest rates is making investors more interested in factoring and the Swiss market remains attractive in this respect. However, factoring is very different from other types of financing. It is very risky to engage in this type of operations without having the necessary technical knowledge, hence the interest of being guided by an expert such as Winsch.

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